Thursday, 23 February 2017

SOLID principles (plus DRY, YAGNI, KISS and other YAA)


I want to talk today about principles of software engineering. Just like design patterns, they range from useful to YAA (Yet Another Acronym). Usually, there is some guy or group of people who decide that a set of simple ideas might help software developers write better code. This is great! Unfortunately, they immediately feel the need to assign them to mnemonic acronyms that make you wonder if they didn't miss some principles from their sets because they were bad at anagrams.

Some are very simple and not worth exploring too much. DRY comes from Don't Repeat Yourself, which basically means don't write the same stuff in multiple places, or you will have to keep them synchronized at every change. Simply don't repeat yourself. Don't repeat yourself. See, it's at least annoying. KISS comes from Keep It Simple, Silly - yeah, let's be civil about it - anyway, the last letter is there just so that the acronym is actually a word. The principle states that avoiding unnecessary complexity will make your system more robust. A similar principle is YAGNI (You Aren't Gonna Need It - very New Yorkish sounding), which also frowns upon complexity, in particular the kind you introduce in order to solve a possible future problem that you don't have.

If you really want to fill your head with principles for software engineering, take a look at this huge list: List of software development philosophies.

But what I wanted to talk about was SOLID, which is so cool that not only does it sound like something you might want your software project to be, but it's a meta acronym, each letter coming from another acronym:
  • S - SRP
  • O - OCP
  • L - LSP
  • I - ISP
  • D - DIP

OK, I was just making it look harder than it actually is. Each of the (sub)acronyms stands for a principle (hence the last P in each) and even if they have suspiciously sounding names that hint on how much someone wanted to call their principles SOLID, they are really... err... solid. They refer specifically to object oriented programming, but I am sure they apply to all types. Let's take a look:

Single Responsibility

The idea is that each of your classes (or modules, units of code, functions, etc) should strive towards only one functionality. Why? Because if you want to change your code you should first have a good reason, then you should know where is that single (DRY) point where that reason applies. One responsibility equals one and only one reason to change.

Short example:
function getTeam() {
var result=[];
var strongest=null;
this.fighters.forEach(function(fighter) {
if (!strongest||strongest.power<fighter.power) {
return {

This code iterates through the list of fighters and returns a list of their names. It also finds the strongest fighter and returns that as well. Obviously, it does two different things and you might want to change the code to have two functions that each do only one. But, you will say, this is more efficient! You iterate once and you get two things for the price of one! Fair enough, but let's see what the disadvantages are:
  • You need to know the exact format of the return object - that's not a big deal, but wouldn't you expect to have a team object returned by a getTeam function?
  • Sometimes you might want just the list of fighters, so computing the strongest is superfluous. Similarly, you might only want the strongest player.
  • In order to add stuff in the iteration loop, the code has become more complex - at least when reading it - than it has to be.

Here is how the code could - and should - have looked. First we split it into two functions:
function getTeam() {
var result=[];
this.fighters.forEach(function(fighter) {
return result;

function getStrongestFighter() {
var strongest=null;
this.fighters.forEach(function(fighter) {
if (!strongest||strongest.power<fighter.power) {
return strongest;
Then we refactor it to something simple and readable:
function getTeam() {
return this.fighters
.map(function(fighter) { return; });

function getStrongestFighter() {
return this.fighters
.reduce(function(strongest,val) {
return !strongest||strongest.power<val.power?val:strongest;


When you write your code the last thing you want to do is go back to it and change it again and again whenever you implement a new functionality. You want the old code to work, be tested to work, and allow new functionality to be built on top of it. In object oriented programming that simply means you can extend classes, but practically it also means the entire plumbing necessary to make this work seamlessly. Simple example:
function Fighter() {
fight : function() {

function ProfessionalFighter() {
fight : function() {
console.log('punch! kick!');

function factory(type) {
switch(type) {
case 'f': return new Fighter();
case 'pf': return new ProfessionalFighter();

OK, this is a silly example, since I am lazily emulating inheritance in a prototype based language such as Javascript. But the result is the same: both constructors will .fight by default, but each of them will have different implementations. Note that while I cannibalized bits of Fighter to build ProfessionalFighter, I didn't have to change it at all. I also built a factory method that returns different objects based on the input. Both possible returns will have a .fight method.

The open/closed principle also applies to non inheritance based languages and even in classic OOP languages. I believe it leads to a natural outcome: preferring composition over inheritance. Write your code so that the various modules just seamlessly connect to each other, like Lego blocks, to build your end product.

Liskov substitution principle

No, L is not coming from any word that they could think of, so they dragged poor Liskov into it. Forget the definition, it's really stupid and complicated. Not KISSy at all! Assume you have the base class Fighter and the more specialized subclass ProfessionalFighter. If you had a piece of code that uses a Fighter object, then this principle says you should be able to replace it with a ProfessionalFighter and the piece of code would still be correct. It may not be what you want, but it would work.

But when does a subclass break this principle? One very ugly antipattern that I have seen is when general types know about their subtypes. Code like "if I am a professional fighter, then I do this" breaks almost all SOLID principles and it is stupid. Another case is when the general class has everything they can think of, either abstract or implemented as empty or throwing an error, then the base classes implement one or the other of the functions. Dude! If your fighter doesn't implement .fight, then it is not a fighter!

I don't want to add code to this, since the principle is simple enough. However, even if it is an idea that primarily applies to OOP it doesn't mean it doesn't have its uses in other types of programming languages. One might say it is not even related to programming languages, but to concepts. It basically says that an orange should behave like an orange if it's blue, otherwise don't call it a blue orange!

Interface segregation principle

This one is simple. It basically is the reverse of the Liskov: split your interfaces - meaning the desired functionality of your code - into pieces that are fully used. If you have a piece of code that uses a ProfessionalFighter, but all it does is use the .fight method, then use a Fighter, instead. Silly example:
public class Fighter {
public virtual void Fight() {

public class EnglishFighter {
public override void Fight() {
public override void Talk() {

class Program {
public static void Main() {
EnglishFighter f=getMeAFighter();

I don't even know if it's valid code, but anyway, the idea here is that there is no reason for me to declare and use the variable f as an EnglishFighter, if all it does is fight. Use a Fighter type. And a YAGNI on you if you thought "wait, but what if I want him to talk later on?".

Dependency inversion principle

Oh, this is a nice one! But it doesn't live in a vacuum. It is related to both SRP and OCP as it states that high level modules should not depend on low level modules, only on their abstractions. In other words, use interfaces instead of implementations wherever possible.

I wrote an entire other post about Inversion of Control, the technique that allows you to properly use and enjoy interfaces, while keeping your modules independent, so I am not going to repeat things here. As a hint, simply replacing Fighter f=new Fighter() with IFighter f=new Fighter() is not enough. You must use a piece of code that decides for you what implementation of an interface will be used, something like IFighter f=GetMeA(typeof(IFighter)).

The principle is related to SRP because it says a boss should not be controlling or depending on what particular things the employees will do. Instead, he should just hire some trustworthy people and let them do their job. If a task depends so much on John that you can't ever fire him, you're in trouble. It is also related to OCP because the boss will behave like a boss no matter what employee changes occur. He may hire more people, replace some, fire some others, the boss does not change. Nor does he accept any responsibility, but that's a whole other principle ;)


I've explored some of the more common acronyms from hell related to software development and stuck more to SOLID, because ... well, you have to admit, calling it SOLID works! Seriously now, following principles such as these (choose your own, based on your own expertise and coding style) will help you a lot later on, when the complexity of your code will explode. In a company there is always that one poor guy who knows everything and can't work well because everybody else is asking him why and how something is like it is. If the code is properly separated on solid principles, you just need to look at it and understand what it does and keep the efficiency of your changes high. One small change for man , like. Let that unsung hero write their code and reach software Valhalla.

SRP keeps modules separated, OCP keeps code free of need for modifications, LSP and ISP make you use the basest of classes or interfaces, reinforcing the separation of modules, while DIP is helping you sharpen the boundaries between modules. Taken together, SOLID principles are obviously about focus, allowing you to work on small, manageable parts of the code without needing knowledge of others or having to make changes to them.

Keep coding!


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