Saturday, 18 February 2017

Javascript Proxy in ES6! Great feature I knew nothing about.

I watched this Beau teaches JavaScript video and I realized how powerful Proxy, this new feature of EcmaScript version 6, is. In short, you call new Proxy(someObject, handler) and you get an object that behaves just like the original object, but has your code intercept most of the access to it, like when you get/set a property or method or when you ask if the object has a member by name. It is great because I feel I can work with normal Javascript, then just insert my own logging, validation or some other checking code. It's like doing AOP and metaprogramming in Javascript.

Let's explore this a little bit. The video in the link above already shows some way to do validation, so I am going to create a function that takes an object and returns a proxy that is aware of any modification to the original object, adding the isDirty property and clearDirt() method.

function dirtify(obj) {
return new Proxy(obj,{
isDirty : false,
get : function(target, property, receiver) {
if (property==='isDirty') return this.isDirty;
if (property==='clearDirt') {
var self=this;
var f = function() {
return f.bind(target);
console.log('Getting '+property);
return target[property];
has : function(target, property) {
if (property==='isDirty'||property==='clearDirt') return true;
console.log('Has '+property+'?');
return property in target;
set : function(target, property, value, receiver) {
if (property==='isDirty'||property==='clearDirt') return false;
if (target[property]!==value) this.isDirty=true;
console.log('Setting '+property+' to '+JSON.stringify(value));
return true;
deleteProperty : function(target, property) {
if (property==='isDirty'||property==='clearDirt') return false;
console.log('Delete '+property);
if (target[property]!=undefined) this.isDirty=true;
delete target[property];
return true;
var obj={
var proxy=dirtify(obj);
console.log('x' in proxy); //true
console.log(proxy.hasOwnProperty('x')); //true
console.log('isDirty' in proxy); //true
console.log(proxy.x); //1
console.log(proxy.hasOwnProperty('isDirty')); //false
console.log(proxy.isDirty); //false

console.log(proxy.x); //2
console.log(proxy.isDirty); //true

console.log(proxy.isDirty); //false

console.log(proxy.isDirty); //false
delete proxy.isDirty;
console.log(proxy.isDirty); //false

delete proxy.x;
console.log(proxy.x); //undefined
console.log(proxy.isDirty); //true

console.log(proxy.isDirty); //true

console.log(obj.y); //3
console.log(proxy.y); //3
console.log(proxy.isDirty); //false

So, here I am returning a proxy that logs any access to members to the console. It also simulates the existence of isDirty and clearDirt members, without actually setting them on the object. You see that when setting the isDirty property to true, it still reads false. Any setting of a property to a different value or deleting an existing property is setting the internal isDirty property to true and the clearDirt method is setting it back to false. To make it more interesting, I am returning true for the 'in' operator, but not for the hasOwnProperty, when querying if the attached members exist. Also note that this is a real proxy, if you change a value in the original object, the proxy will also reflect it, but without intercepting the change.

Imagine the possibilities!

More info:
ES6 Proxy in Depth
Metaprogramming with proxies
Metaprogramming in ES6: Part 3 - Proxies


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