A .NET Core ServiceProvider that allows adding of services after it was created
.NET Core comes with its own dependency injection engine, separated in the Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package, and ASP.Net Core uses it by default. In a very simplistic description, it uses an IServiceCollection to add services to, then it builds an IServiceProvider from that list, an interface which returns an implementation based on a type or null if finding none. Any change in the list of services is not supported. There are situations, though, where you want to add new services. One of them being dynamically resolving new types.
Therefore I set up to create a custom implementation of IServiceProvider that fixes that, using the mechanisms already existing in .NET Core. Note that this is just something I did from frustration, "because I could". Most people choose to replace the entire IServiceProvider with an implementation that uses some other DI container, like StructureMap.
First attempt was proxying a normal ServiceProvider and keeping a reference to the collection. Then I would just change the collection and recreate the service provider. That has two major problems. One is that the previous serviceProvider is not disposed. If you try, you automatically dispose all services already resolved and if you do not, you remain with references to the created services. The second, and more dire, is that recreating the service provider will generate new instances for services, even if registered as singletons. That is not good.
I thought of a solution:
This works great except the newly added providers are separate from the existing providers so when you try to resolve a type with a second provider and that type has in its constructor a type that was registered in the first provider, you get nothing.
One solution would be to add all services to the second provider, not only the new ones, but then we get back to the original issue of the singletons, only a bit more subtle:
One solution would be to add all previous services as factories, then. For Itype1, instead of returning typeof(type1), return a factory method that resolves the value with our system. And it works... until it reaches a definition (like IOptions) that was registered as an open generic: services.AddSingleton(typeof(IType3<>),typeof(Type3<>)). In case of open generics, you cannot use a descriptor with a factory, because it returns an object, regardless of the generic type argument used. It would not to do return a Type3<Banana> for a requested type of IType3<int>.
So, final version is this:
This implementation also has a flaw: if a dependency parameter with a generic type definition descriptor was resolved as a singleton by an additional service provider, then is requested directly and can be resolved by a previous provider, it will return a different instance. Here is the scenario:
This is an edge case that I don't have the time to solve. So, with the caveat above, here is the final version.
Use it like this:
And this is the source code:
Therefore I set up to create a custom implementation of IServiceProvider that fixes that, using the mechanisms already existing in .NET Core. Note that this is just something I did from frustration, "because I could". Most people choose to replace the entire IServiceProvider with an implementation that uses some other DI container, like StructureMap.
First attempt was proxying a normal ServiceProvider and keeping a reference to the collection. Then I would just change the collection and recreate the service provider. That has two major problems. One is that the previous serviceProvider is not disposed. If you try, you automatically dispose all services already resolved and if you do not, you remain with references to the created services. The second, and more dire, is that recreating the service provider will generate new instances for services, even if registered as singletons. That is not good.
I thought of a solution:
- keep a list of service providers, instead of just one
- use a custom service collection which will let us know when changes occurred
- whenever new services are added, add them to a list of new services
- whenever a service is resolved, go through the list of providers
- if any provider returns a value, provide it
- else if any new service create a new provider from the new services and add it to the list
- else return null
- when disposing, dispose all providers in the list
This works great except the newly added providers are separate from the existing providers so when you try to resolve a type with a second provider and that type has in its constructor a type that was registered in the first provider, you get nothing.
One solution would be to add all services to the second provider, not only the new ones, but then we get back to the original issue of the singletons, only a bit more subtle:
- register type1 as a singleton
- get an instance of type1 (1)
- build the provider
- get an instance of type1 (2)
- register type2 which receives a type1 in its constructor
- get an instance of type2
- now, type1 (1) is the same as type1 (2), because it was resolved by the same provider
- type1 is different from type2.type1, though, because that was resolved as a different singleton by the second provider in the list
One solution would be to add all previous services as factories, then. For Itype1, instead of returning typeof(type1), return a factory method that resolves the value with our system. And it works... until it reaches a definition (like IOptions) that was registered as an open generic: services.AddSingleton(typeof(IType3<>),typeof(Type3<>)). In case of open generics, you cannot use a descriptor with a factory, because it returns an object, regardless of the generic type argument used. It would not to do return a Type3<Banana> for a requested type of IType3<int>.
So, final version is this:
- keep a list of service providers, instead of just one
- keep a dictionary of the last object resolved for a type
- use a custom service collection which will let us know when changes occurred
- whenever new services are added, add them to a list of new services
- whenever a service is resolved, go through the list of providers
- if any provider returns a value, return it
- if no new services registered return null
- create a new provider from all the services like this:
- if it's a new registration, use it as is
- if it's an open generic definition type:
- if singleton, add first all the existing resolutions for types that are defined by it
- use the original descriptor afterwards
- use a registration that proxies to the advanced resolution mechanism we created
- when disposing, dispose all providers in the list
This implementation also has a flaw: if a dependency parameter with a generic type definition descriptor was resolved as a singleton by an additional service provider, then is requested directly and can be resolved by a previous provider, it will return a different instance. Here is the scenario:
- the initial provider knows to map I<> to M<>
- you add a new singleton mapping from X to Y and Y gets a constructor parameter of type I<Z>
- you request an instance of X
- the first provider cannot resolve it
- the second provider can resolve it, therefore it will also resolve a I<Z> as an M<Z> singleton instance
- you request an instance of I<Z>
- the first provider can resolve it, therefore it will return a NEW singleton instance of M<Z>
This is an edge case that I don't have the time to solve. So, with the caveat above, here is the final version.
Use it like this:
// IAdvancedServiceProvider either injected
// or resolved via serviceProvider.GetService<IAdvancedServiceProvider>
// or even serviceProvider as IAdvancedServiceProvider
And this is the source code:
/// <summary>
/// Service provider that allows for dynamic adding of new services
/// </summary>
public interface IAdvancedServiceProvider : IServiceProvider
/// <summary>
/// Add services to this collection
/// </summary>
IServiceCollection ServiceCollection { get; }
/// <summary>
/// Service provider that allows for dynamic adding of new services
/// </summary>
public class AdvancedServiceProvider : IAdvancedServiceProvider, IDisposable
private readonly List<ServiceProvider> _serviceProviders;
private readonly NotifyChangedServiceCollection _services;
private readonly object _servicesLock = new object();
private List<ServiceDescriptor> _newDescriptors;
private Dictionary<Type, object> _resolvedObjects;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="AdvancedServiceProvider"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="services">The services.</param>
public AdvancedServiceProvider(IServiceCollection services)
// registers itself in the list of services
_serviceProviders = new List<ServiceProvider>();
_newDescriptors = new List<ServiceDescriptor>();
_resolvedObjects = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
_services = new NotifyChangedServiceCollection(services);
_services.ServiceAdded += ServiceAdded;
private void ServiceAdded(object sender, ServiceDescriptor item)
lock (_servicesLock)
/// <summary>
/// Add services to this collection
/// </summary>
public IServiceCollection ServiceCollection { get => _services; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the service object of the specified type.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serviceType">An object that specifies the type of service object to get.</param>
/// <returns>A service object of type serviceType. -or- null if there is no service object of type serviceType.</returns>
public object GetService(Type serviceType)
lock (_servicesLock)
// go through the service provider chain and resolve the service
var service = GetServiceInternal(serviceType);
// if service was not found and we have new registrations
if (service == null && _newDescriptors.Count > 0)
// create a new service collection in order to build the next provider in the chain
var newCollection = new ServiceCollection();
foreach (var descriptor in _services)
foreach (var descriptorToAdd in GetDerivedServiceDescriptors(descriptor))
var newServiceProvider = newCollection.BuildServiceProvider(true);
_newDescriptors = new List<ServiceDescriptor>();
service = newServiceProvider.GetService(serviceType);
if (service != null)
_resolvedObjects[serviceType] = service;
return service;
private IEnumerable<ServiceDescriptor> GetDerivedServiceDescriptors(ServiceDescriptor descriptor)
if (_newDescriptors.Contains(descriptor))
// if it's a new registration, just add it
yield return descriptor;
yield break;
if (!descriptor.ServiceType.IsGenericTypeDefinition)
// for a non open type generic singleton descriptor, register a factory that goes through the service provider
yield return ServiceDescriptor.Describe(
_ => GetServiceInternal(descriptor.ServiceType),
yield break;
// if the registered service type for a singleton is an open generic type
// we register as factories all the already resolved specific types that fit this definition
if (descriptor.Lifetime == ServiceLifetime.Singleton)
foreach (var servType in _resolvedObjects.Keys.Where(t => t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == descriptor.ServiceType))
yield return ServiceDescriptor.Describe(
_ => _resolvedObjects[servType],
// then we add the open type registration for any new types
yield return descriptor;
private object GetServiceInternal(Type serviceType)
foreach (var serviceProvider in _serviceProviders)
var service = serviceProvider.GetService(serviceType);
if (service != null)
return service;
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Dispose the provider and all resolved services
/// </summary>
public void Dispose()
lock (_servicesLock)
_services.ServiceAdded -= ServiceAdded;
foreach (var serviceProvider in _serviceProviders)
// singleton classes might be disposed twice and throw some exception
/// <summary>
/// An IServiceCollection implementation that exposes a ServiceAdded event for added service descriptors
/// The collection doesn't support removal or inserting of services
/// </summary>
private class NotifyChangedServiceCollection : IServiceCollection
private readonly IServiceCollection _services;
/// <summary>
/// Fired when a descriptor is added to the collection
/// </summary>
public event EventHandler<ServiceDescriptor> ServiceAdded;
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NotifyChangedServiceCollection"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="services">The services.</param>
public NotifyChangedServiceCollection(IServiceCollection services)
_services = services;
/// <summary>
/// Get the value at index
/// Setting is not supported
/// </summary>
public ServiceDescriptor this[int index]
get => _services[index];
set => throw new NotSupportedException("Inserting services in collection is not supported");
/// <summary>
/// Count of services in the collection
/// </summary>
public int Count { get => _services.Count; }
/// <summary>
/// Obviously not
/// </summary>
public bool IsReadOnly { get => false; }
/// <summary>
/// Adding a service descriptor will fire the ServiceAdded event
/// </summary>
/// <param name="item"></param>
public void Add(ServiceDescriptor item)
ServiceAdded.Invoke(this, item);
/// <summary>
/// Clear the collection is not supported
/// </summary>
public void Clear() => throw new NotSupportedException("Removing services from collection is not supported");
/// <summary>
/// True is the item exists in the collection
/// </summary>
public bool Contains(ServiceDescriptor item) => _services.Contains(item);
/// <summary>
/// Copy items to array of service descriptors
/// </summary>
public void CopyTo(ServiceDescriptor[] array, int arrayIndex) => _services.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex);
/// <summary>
/// Enumerator for service descriptors
/// </summary>
public IEnumerator<ServiceDescriptor> GetEnumerator() => _services.GetEnumerator();
/// <summary>
/// Index of item in the list
/// </summary>
public int IndexOf(ServiceDescriptor item) => _services.IndexOf(item);
/// <summary>
/// Inserting is not supported
/// </summary>
public void Insert(int index, ServiceDescriptor item) => throw new NotSupportedException("Inserting services in collection is not supported");
/// <summary>
/// Removing items is not supported
/// </summary>
public bool Remove(ServiceDescriptor item) => throw new NotSupportedException("Removing services from collection is not supported");
/// <summary>
/// Removing items is not supported
/// </summary>
public void RemoveAt(int index) => throw new NotSupportedException("Removing services from collection is not supported");
/// <summary>
/// Enumerator for objects
/// </summary>
IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() => ((IEnumerable)_services).GetEnumerator();
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