Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Styling Angular Material tooltips

This should be a simple question with a simple answer, but if you google for Angular Material tooltip styling or length or width you get different answers that are not always complete or even correct. The problem: you have something like <a matTooltip="some message" matTooltipClass="myTooltipClass" ... as per the examples easy to find. However, it doesn't seem to be working. The styling for myTooltipClass does not apply. Here are some points to check off while searching for the problem:
  1. Check whether myTooltipClass is defined in the component or the global CSS file. It should either be in the global CSS file (so it applies to everything) or your component should declare encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
  2. Check the declaration of the class is specific enough. DO NOT use !important to fix this, although it would work. Try something like this: mat-tooltip-component .mat-tooltip.myTooltipClass {...}

To see if the class is applied, set the background-color property to red or something. If the class applies, you managed to define it correctly. If it applies partially, it's not specific enough. To change the width, use max-width. To make the tooltip wrap use white-space: wrap; and word-wrap: break-word;

As a reference, this is how the HTML looks for a rendered tooltip:
<div class="cdk-overlay-container">
<div class="cdk-overlay-connected-position-bounding-box" dir="ltr" style="top: 0px; left: 0px; height: 100%; width: 100%;">
<div id="cdk-overlay-1" class="cdk-overlay-pane mat-tooltip-panel" style="pointer-events: auto; top: 8px; left: 417.625px;">
<mat-tooltip-component aria-hidden="true" class="ng-tns-c34-15 ng-star-inserted" style="zoom: 1;">
<div class="mat-tooltip ng-trigger ng-trigger-state" style="transform-origin: left center; transform: scale(1);">Info about the action</div>


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