Entity Framework saves only one child of my POCO entity (the HashSet concept)
I was trying to create an entity with several children entities and persist it to the database using Entity Framework. I was generating the entity, set its entry state to Added, saved the changes in the DbContext, everything right. However, in the database I had one parent entity and one child entity. I suspected it had something to do with the way I created the tables, the foreign keys, something related to the way I was declaring the connection between the entities in the model. It was none of that.
If you look at the way EF generates entities from database tables, it creates a two directional relationship from any foreign key: the parent entity gets an ICollection<Child> property to hold the children and the child entity a virtual property of type Parent to hold the parent. Moreover, the parent entity instantiates the collection in the constructor in the form of a HashSet<Child>. It doesn't have to be a HashSet, though. It works just as well if you overwrite it when you create the entity with something like a List. However, the HashSet approach tells something important of the way EF behaves when considering collections of child objects.
In my case, I was doing something like
Enumerable.Repeat(something,3).Distinct().Count() == 1 !
There was no problem that I was setting the Children collection to a List instead of a HashSet, but when saving the children, Entity Framework was considering the distinct instances of Child.
The solution here was to generate different instances of the same object, something like
If you look at the way EF generates entities from database tables, it creates a two directional relationship from any foreign key: the parent entity gets an ICollection<Child> property to hold the children and the child entity a virtual property of type Parent to hold the parent. Moreover, the parent entity instantiates the collection in the constructor in the form of a HashSet<Child>. It doesn't have to be a HashSet, though. It works just as well if you overwrite it when you create the entity with something like a List. However, the HashSet approach tells something important of the way EF behaves when considering collections of child objects.
In my case, I was doing something like
var parent = new Parent {Can you spot the problem? When I changed the code to
Children = Enumerable
.Repeat(new Child { SomeProperty = SomeValue }, 3)
var parent = new Parent();I was shocked to see that my Parent had only a list of Children with count 1. Why? Because Enumerable.Repeat takes the instance of the object you give it and repeats it:
.Repeat(new Child { SomeProperty = SomeValue }, 3)
.ForEach(child => parent.Children.Add(child));
Enumerable.Repeat(something,3).Distinct().Count() == 1 !
There was no problem that I was setting the Children collection to a List instead of a HashSet, but when saving the children, Entity Framework was considering the distinct instances of Child.
The solution here was to generate different instances of the same object, something like
var parent = new Parent {or, to make it more clear for this case:
Children = Enumerable.Range(0,3)
.Select(i => new Child { SomeProperty = SomeValue }, 3)
var parent = new Parent {
Children = Enumerable
.Repeat(() => new Child { SomeProperty = SomeValue }, 3)
.Select(generator => generator())
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