Monday, 3 August 2015

Timeout expired exception when rolling back SQL TransactionScope in .NET

I had this situation where I had to execute large SQL script files and the default sqlcmd tool was throwing exceptions rather than execute them. So I created my own tool to read the scripts and execute them transactionally. Everything went smoothly, except at the end. You see, I didn't use TransactionScope.Complete from the beginning in order to see how the program would cope with a massive rollback. Not well, apparently.

The exception was thrown at rollback: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding. I had set the TransactionOptions.Timeout to TransactionManager.MaximumTimeout and the SqlCommand.CommandTimeout to 0 (meaning never end) and I still got the exception. Apparently, the problem was the SqlConnection.ConnectTimeout which is a readonly property with a default value of 15 seconds. The value can be changed via the connection string, by adding something like Connect Timeout=36000 (10 hours) and many articles on the Internet suggest doing that. However, that is just really ugly. A better solution is to set the value of the timeout programmatically and this is how to do it:
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(10);
SqlConnectionStringBuilder csb = new SqlConnectionStringBuilder(connectionString);
csb.ConnectTimeout = (int)timeout.TotalSeconds;
connectionString = csb.ConnectionString;

As you can see, the nice SqlConnectionStringBuilder helps us validate, parse and change the values in the connection string. One can imagine other interesting uses, like adding MARS to the connection string automatically or restricting the use to a list of databases or disallowing weak passwords, etc.


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