Thursday, 10 April 2014

Converting FLOAT values to string in T-SQL

I seem to remember that I blogged about this before, but I can't find it anymore. Probably it was just a missed intention. This is simply a warning on how T-SQL converts FLOAT values to string. Here are some Transact SQL queries and their results:
DECLARE @aFloat FLOAT = 1234.123456789
DECLARE @aDecimal DECIMAL(18,9) = 1234.123456789
DECLARE @aNumeric NUMERIC(18,9) = 1234.123456789
DECLARE @aString NVARCHAR(20) = 1234.123456789

SELECT @aFloat,@aDecimal,@aNumeric,@aString -- result: 1234.123456789 1234.123456789 1234.123456789 1234.123456789
SELECT CAST(@aFloat as NVARCHAR(20)),CAST(@aDecimal as NVARCHAR(20)),CAST(@aNumeric as NVARCHAR(20)),CAST(@aString as NVARCHAR(20)) -- result: 1234.12 1234.123456789 1234.123456789 1234.123456789
Wait! What happened there? The FLOAT was the only numeric format that lost precision to only 2 decimals (it is actually a loss of scale, 12345.123456789 would be converted to 12345.1). The solution is either to either convert to DECIMAL or NUMERIC values before converting to NVARCHAR or to use the STR function, which receives the scale and precision parameters. Like this:
SELECT CAST(@aFloat as NVARCHAR(20)), CAST(CAST(@aFloat as DECIMAL(18,9)) as NVARCHAR(20)), STR(@aFloat,18,9) -- result: 1234.12    1234.123456789        1234.123456789

The first conversion to DECIMAL and the STR function later on are equivalent.

I have looked into SQL options to somehow set the default precision that is used when converting a float to string, but I could not find anything usefule. Neither did settings like
have any effect on the queries above. No error and the same result.

You don't want to know what happens with 123456789.123456789!
SELECT @aFloat, CAST(@aFloat as NVARCHAR(20)), CAST(CAST(@aFloat as DECIMAL(30,10)) as NVARCHAR(30)), STR(@aFloat,30,10) -- result: 123456789.123457    1.23457e+008    123456789.1234567900    123456789.1234567900

Not only the digits are cut even when selecting the actual value!!, but the scientific notation rears its ugly head. And look at the beautiful STR function returning ugly extra zeroes! Same issue appears when trying to use XML functions. The resulting XML has really ugly strings of the float values.

Bottom line: as much as I hate it, you probably should not use FLOAT when trying to display values. Ever.

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