Monday, 17 February 2014

Using Prixovy to forward to an authenticated HTTP proxy without the annoyance of entering the username and password every time

I have at work a very annoying HTTP proxy that requires a basic authentication. This translates in very inconsistent behaviour between applications and the annoying necessity of entering the username and password whenever the system wants it. So I've decided to add another local proxy to the chain that handles the authentication for me forever.

This isn't as easy as it sounds. Sure, proxies are a dime a dozen, but for some reason most of them seem to be coming from the Linux world. That is really bad user interaction, vague documentation and unhelpful forums where any request for help ends up in some version of "read the fucking manual". Hence I've decided to help out by creating this lovely post that explains how you can achieve the purpose described above with very little headache. These are the very easy steps that you have to undertake:
  1. Download and install Privoxy
  2. Go to the Program Files folder and look for Privoxy. You will need to edit two files: config.txt and user.action
  3. Optional: change the listen-address port, otherwise the proxy will function on port 8118
  4. Enter your proxy authentication username and password in the fields below and press Help me configure Privoxy - this is strictly a client base Javascript so don't worry that I am going to steal your proxy credentials...
  5. Edit user.action and add the bit of text that appeared as destined for that file.
  6. Edit config.txt, look for examples of forward and add to it the bit that belongs to config.txt and replace proxy:port and the domains and IP masks with the correct values for you
  7. Restart Privoxy
  8. Configure your internet settings to use a proxy on and the port you configured in step 2 (or the default 8118)

This should be it. Enjoy!




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