Monday, 1 April 2013

Detecting if an URL can be loaded in an IFrame

I was trying to solve a problem on this blog, where the opening of links in their own fancy javascript window would fail if the server did not allow opening their pages in frames. The result would be an ugly empty black window and an ugly javascript error in the browser console in the form of Refused to display '[some URL]' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'SAMEORIGIN'.

So I started looking for a way to detect these pesky URLs. First attempt was using jQuery.Ajax with method 'HEAD', which inquires the HTTP headers only from a given URL. There is no reason I can see to deny access to 'HEAD' requests, but the browser does it anyway based on... HTTP headers! Not to mention that this solution fails for more links than a frame because of Ajax cross-site scripting issues.

Second attempt: use an adhoc hidden iframe to detect if the URL can be opened. This worked, but at a cost that prohibits me using the solution in the blog. I will publicize it, though, maybe it works for other scenarios. It uses jQuery, so you will have to translate it yourself into the raw Javascript version or to make it use your favorite framework.

The code first:
var Result={

function isAvailable(url, callback, timeout) {
if (!+(timeout)||+(timeout)<0) {
var timer=setTimeout(function() {
var ifr=$('<iframe></iframe>')
ifr.on('load',function() {
if (timer) clearTimeout(timer);
var result;
try {
var iframe=ifr[0];
var doc=(iframe.contentWindow||iframe.contentDocument).location.href;
} catch(ex) {
You use it like this:
isAvailable('',function(result,url,alt) {
switch(result) {
case Result.CouldNotLoadUrl:
alert('Could not load '+url+' in an iframe (timeout after '+alt+' milliseconds)');
case Result.UrlLoadedButContentCannotBeAccessed:
alert(url+' loaded in an iframe, but content is innaccessible ('+alt+')');
case Result.UrlLoadedContentCanBeAccessed:
alert(url+' loaded in an iframe and content is accessible');

You will need to have jQuery loaded and to have a html body loaded in the DOM (so if you copy these into an empty html file to test, make sure you add <body></body> before the script or execute isAvailable on the DOM Ready event.

And now the explanation.
First, it is imperative to first append the iframe element to body before binding the load event. That is because jQuery creates the element in a document fragment and this process fires a load event by itself! Then, different browsers act differently. Google Chrome does not fire a load event for an iframe with an URL that has this problem. Internet Explorer does fire the event, but the iframe's content document is not accessible (and this can be caught in a try/catch block). FireFox does fire the event, but only the leaf properties of the content document throw an exception, like the href of the location. In order to fix all of these, I used a timeout for Chrome, to return a false result after a time, then an access to ifr[0].contentDocument.location.href to make it throw an exception in both Internet Explorer and FireFox.

Finally, the reason why I cannot use it on the blog is that it would force the browser of the viewer to load all the URLs completely in the background in order to add a silly click event on the links. I have one more idea in mind, though, and that is to detect the frame loading problem when I open it and in that case to create the content of the iframe manually to contain a link to the URL. I will attempt it sometime soon.

Update: I found a solution that seems reasonable enough. When creating the iframe in which I want to nicely load the page that the link points to, I am not just creating an empty frame, but I also add content: a link that points to the same page. The SAMEORIGIN problem is still there, so the link opens the URL in target="_blank" and has a click handler that closes the dialog 100 milliseconds later. Thus, when changing the frame src, if the content of the frame does not change, the user will have the option to click the link and see the page open in a new tab/window.


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