Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Why doubling single quotes is not enough to protect from SQL Injection

We all know that the best way to prevent SQL injection is to use parameters, either in stored procedures or in parameterized queries. Yet on some occasions we meet code that replaces every single quote with two single quotes. The question arises: OK, it's ugly, but isn't it enough?

I have recently found out of something called "Unicode Smuggling" which uses the database against itself to bypass protection as described above. More details here: SQL Smuggling , but the basic idea is this: if the replacement scheme is implemented in the database and uses VARCHAR or maybe the code uses some non-unicode string, then the protection is vulnerable to this by leveraging what is known as Unicode Homoglyphs. If you feel adventurous and want to examine thoroughly the ways Unicode can be used maliciously, check out UTR#36.

Here is an example:
@newtitle NVARCHAR(100)
Double up any single quotes
SET @newtitle = REPLACE(@newtitle, '''','''''')


SET @UpdateStatement = 'UPDATE myTable SET title=''' + @newtitle + ''''


Note the use of VARCHAR as the type of @UpdateStatement. This procedure receives a string, doubles all single quotes, then creates an SQL string that then is executed. This procedure would be vulnerable to this:
EXEC UpdateMyTable N'ʼ;DROP TABLE myTable--'

The first character in the provided string is not a single quote, but the Unicode character U+02BC . SQL will silently convert this into a single quote when stored in a VARCHAR. The injection will work.

Small demo in MS-SQL:
DECLARE @nhack NVARCHAR(100) = N'ʼ;DROP TABLE myTable--'
DECLARE @hack VARCHAR(100) = N'ʼ;DROP TABLE myTable--'
SELECT UNICODE(@nhack),UNICODE(@hack) -- Results: 700 39

More discussing this here: Can I protect against SQL Injection by escaping single-quote and surrounding user input with single-quotes?


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