Saturday, 17 September 2011

State of the Union

I have been reviewing my blog posts for the last few months and I noticed a troubling trend: a lot more social commentary and hobby related stuff than actual tech work. Check out this statistic of posts in the last three months:
  • TV and Movie: 5
  • Books: 6
  • Personal or hobby: 6
  • Social commentary: 1
  • Tech: 8
8 is marginally more than 6, but split them between misc and programming and you get 18 misc for 10 programming (with some overlapping). And consider that two of the tech posts were attempts to fix something that did not work so well.

What does this mean? Do I not learn new stuff at work? Am I not interested in tech work anymore? Am I working too much and not having time to blog? Well, it is a bit of all. I am interested in tech work, but right now I am fighting to adapt to the new job. I am learning new stuff, but that is mostly office related than new frontiers of programming. And I am a bit tired as well.

I have been thinking of cool tech stuff to share with you at least in this post, but I could find none. I am reading a lot of blogs with new information about stuff ranging from Windows 8, .Net 5, the future of C# and Visual Studio to videos of Vesta, things that verge on proving the dark matter model is wrong and amazing BIOS rootkits, but that is not what I am doing.

So let me summarize the technical state of my work so far:
  • Scrum - my workplace uses Scrum as a development practice and invests a lot in maintaining the quality of its implementation. I've learned a lot about the advantages, but also the disadvantages of the practice (there is nothing as annoying as an Outlook alert that you need to do the daily scrum meeting when you are concentrated on a task)
  • Visual Basic - as the original application that was bought by my employing company 5 years ago was written in Visual Basic, large portions of it are still VB. That only proves my point that refactoring code should be a priority, not a nice to have option. I wonder how many developing hours, research hours and hair roots could have been saved if the company would have invested in moving the application to a readable and canonical code form. I also wonder if the guy that invented Visual Basic is now burning in hell, as so many devs with whom I've talked about VB seem to want.
  • Visual Basic - it just deserves two bullet points, for the bullet reason only at least. Also, try converting C# generic and lambda expression code to Visual Basic. Hilarious!
  • Computing power - I am now working on a laptop that has a Quad Core I7 processor, 8Gb of RAM and a Solid State Drive. And I still want it 10 times faster. It seems to me that computing power is only keeping up with the size of the software projects and the complexity of the tools used to develop them, so that the total compile time for a project remains constant. Also, if for some reason the company issues you with a computer powerful enough to break the constant, they also need to enforce drive encryption as to compensate.
  • Continuous Integration and Unit Testing - it gives one a good feeling of comfort to know that after "it works on my machine", the source control server can compile, test and run the software successfully (while you are working at something else, no less).
  • Software Patterns - there are people who can think and visualize software patterns. They can architect any piece of code and make it really neat. However, it now seems to me that an over-architected software is just as hard to read and follow as a non-architected one. Fortunately for me, my colleagues are more the smart "let's make it work" type

That is about it. No magical silver bullet practices, no amazing software, no technological edge code, just plain software shop work.


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