Colors in Excel, importing from HTML
Many a solution on the net propose clearing a html page of images, dropdowns, buttons, checkboxes, radiosbuttons, etc and replacing them with text, then outputing the result as an Excel file. Excel is smart enough to understand the simplest HTML and opens the html as an Excel. The user only has to save the file as an XLS and everything is set.
But what about styles? Apparently, Excel does not work with numerically defined colors, but instead it uses a predefined set of 40 colors and displays any numerically defined color as the closest of these 40. It is a drag to see a beautiful page rendered in Excel in only the coarsest of colors.
But, if you are trying to build an "Excel compatible" page, or if you want to use a separate style for the excel export (btw, Excel doesn't understand stylesheets, so you have to save all style in a <STYLE> tag and NOT use multiple class names in the same class property like "class1 class2". Older Excels might not even do that) then you have to use the colors that Excel uses. Here is a list, as taken from my Office 2003:
But what about styles? Apparently, Excel does not work with numerically defined colors, but instead it uses a predefined set of 40 colors and displays any numerically defined color as the closest of these 40. It is a drag to see a beautiful page rendered in Excel in only the coarsest of colors.
But, if you are trying to build an "Excel compatible" page, or if you want to use a separate style for the excel export (btw, Excel doesn't understand stylesheets, so you have to save all style in a <STYLE> tag and NOT use multiple class names in the same class property like "class1 class2". Older Excels might not even do that) then you have to use the colors that Excel uses. Here is a list, as taken from my Office 2003:
Black Negru | Maroon Maro | Dark Olive Oliv inchis | Dark Green Verde inchis | Dark Blue Albastru inchis | Navy Blue Bleumarin | Indigo | 80% Gray Gri-80% |
#000000 | #993300 | #333300 | #003300 | #000040 | #000080 | #333399 | #333333 |
Gold Red Bordo | Orange Portocaliu | Olive Green Verde Oliv | Green Verde | Teal Blue Albastru Verzui | Blue Albastru | Gray Blue Gri albastrui | 50% Gray Gri-50% |
#800000 | #FF6600 | #808000 | #008000 | #008080 | #0000FF | #666699 | #808080 |
Red Rosu | Yellow Orange Galben Portocaliu | Yellow Green Verde galbui | Sea Green Verde marin | Cyan | Light Blue Albastru deschis | Violet Violet | 40% Gray Gri-40% |
#FF0000 | #FF9900 | #99CC00 | #339966 | #33CCCC | #3366FF | #800080 | #969696 |
Fuchsia Ciclam | Gold Auriu | Yellow Galben | Lime Verde aprins | Aqua Turcoaz | Sky Blue Azuriu | Violet Red Mov | 25% Gray Gri-25% |
#FF00FF | #FFCC00 | #FFFF00 | #00FF00 | #00FFFF | #00CCFF | #993366 | #C0C0C0 |
Pink Roz | Ocre Ocru | Light Yellow Galben pal | Light Green Verde deschis | Light Aqua Turcoaz deschis | Light Blue Bleu pastel | Orchid Lila | White Alb |
#FF99CC | #FFCC99 | #FFFF99 | #CCFFCC | #CCFFFF | #99CCFF | #CC99FF | #FFFFFF |
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