Monday, 4 September 2006

Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin dies

'Crocodile Hunter' Irwin killed

An incredible and sad news for me, Steve died from the sting of a stringray that (ironically) has venom with no lethal effect on humans. The barb on the end of the fish tail has up to 20 cm and it probably penetrated the heart or has hurt some other major organ in the chest area. Steve is the second man ever to die from a stingray in Australia, the previous death being in 1945. Ironic, stupid, sad.
It is amazing that his death affects me so much, when other big people's deaths have only made me a little sad. Maybe it's because he was young, in the middle of his life, having so much to look forward to. I've also admired his insane passion. I am rarely passionate about something and I admire any person that can shine a little, like Steve seemed to do 24 hours a day.
At least his memory will remain intact from the ravages of old age. My deepest condoleances to his wife and two children.


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